view the collection on foundation

The Creator Within is made up of 11 unique abstract portraits that portray the way connection and creation are so deeply and endlessly intertwined. This collection represents the belief that we are one with the Universe and with each other. Everything is connected. We are energy vibrating at a certain frequency, able to shape our reality in any way we desire. We are the Creators. 

This outlook changed my life. I became more conscious of the principles of the Universe when I was 20 years old after reading The Alchemist. This book shifted my perspective on everything and opened my eyes to the fact that I could have and do anything I wanted. I realized that we experience life to learn, grow, and most importantly to pursue our dreams. For so long, I believed it was a luxury to live the life you want and chase your dreams. But I now understand it is our responsibility to do so.

The Creator Within was created in a trance of connection and alignment. I believe creators are vessels for energy. We are able to transfer energy that originated in the Soul of the Universe through our art and into this world. The Universe constantly communicates with us; it is the job of creators to transfer that energy and turn it into something that people can feel and understand in their own ways. The titles of each piece represent this connection - to the Universe and myself, as we are One. Bright colors and intuitive textures come together to form eleven portraits of The Creator Within. I hope this collection resonates with people on an energetic level and connects them to the all-knowing energy within. 

“Whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth.” - Paulo Coelho


onto year 25: manifold open edition


the imperfectionist